Sunday, October 14, 2007

Personal Development Secret Stolen From Tennis Star

Why would anyone need to steal a personal development program from a tennis star?

Well, ask yourself this question - “what qualities does it take to get to the top as a tournament tennis player?”

They need physical development for the strength, speed and stamina to strike the ball hard, reach the ball and to last for matches which can take three or more hours in grueling heat. They need the ball striking technique to be able to play a wide variety of shots really well. And they need the mental agility, strength and stamina to be able to work out their opponent’s game plan, probe for the weak spots and stick to their own plan.

A successful personal development program works in a similar way. In order to change and develop yourself you need the desire to change, the learning capacity to educate yourself in techniques for change and the strength of mind and determination to implement your program and go on implementing it until you get the desired result.

Most people fail in personal development for exactly the same reasons why many talented tennis players fail to make the grade. They simply do not have the technique nd bloody-minded, stick-to-it-ness to make themselves learn and do the exercises and keep on doing them until they get the result they desire.

The big advantage of the FREE Magic Hats Personal Development Program is that you get a new video every day which tells you what to do and provides you with the exercises that you need to do. All you have to do is follow the program and you’re on your way to success.